You need to be available for your stakeholders to find you on various channels. Yet not every channel is suitable to every audience. Each piece of communication must be customised – not only to the channel, but also to the target audience.
You know that you need to communicate with your various stakeholders – employees, clients, prospective clients, shareholders. But what should you tell them? How should you phrase it? When? How often? Which is the most suitable medium of communication?
Here at Mot Juste, we have learnt that the answers to these questions can never be formulaic. Each situation, each audience, and each client is unique. Our approach to each, therefore, is unique as well.
We operate as an alter ego to your business – an extension to your own marketing & corporate communication departments. We work with your in-house teams to develop the best possible solutions to your specific needs.
Before we begin to create any piece of communication, we discuss the answers to two questions with you, in depth: Why are we doing this? and Who are we speaking to?
Based on the answers to these questions, the communication content, channel selection, format, design, and imagery is conceptualised and implemented.
Communication conceptualisation requires in-depth engagement, close interaction, and trust. That's why we recommend that this service be delivered via a retainership agreement – maximising the value accrued to both sides.
With all our services easily available online and over email, Mot Juste works with clients around the world. Contact us today to find out how we can work together to conceptualise and create your corporate and marketing communication.
Here’s what happens, nine out of ten times, when a blog post is published: there is a surge of traffic soon after the link to the post is shared on various platforms. And then, slowly but surely, the number of visits goes down and – in a matter of days – the post decays, the …
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